Handwerk & Dienste
Bau / Umbau / RenovationAngebot(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Bau / Umbau / Renovation" and class = "1" :) Gesucht(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Bau / Umbau / Renovation" and class = "0":) Büro / ComputerAngebot(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Büro / Computer" and class = "1" :) Gesucht(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Büro / Computer" and class = "0":) Fahrzeuge & TransportAngebot(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Fahrzeuge / Transport" and class = "1" :) Gesucht(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Fahrzeuge / Transport" and class = "0":) ReparaturenAngebot(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Reparaturen" and class = "1" :) Gesucht(:MyPmWiki select EintragWebKurz from iga1 where categories = "Reparaturen" and class = "0":) |